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If you would like to join our club affiliation scheme, complete the form below.


Opie Oils supports a large number of Automotive Clubs and Internet forums by providing oil advice and product recommendations to their members.

In exchange for supporting Opie Oils, we offer members of these clubs, forums, and communities the following benefits:

  • Members discount codes (Coming soon)
  • Free expert advice on oils and fluids
  • Special offers for Members who subscribe to our email list

If you would like to join our club affiliation scheme, please complete the form below. Note that only Site Owners, Administrators, or Owners of Clubs or Forums can apply. If you are a member of a Club or Forum, please ask the person in charge to complete this form.

If you are a member of a club or forum that's already in the Opie Oils Club Affiliation Scheme, please log on to your forum to access the benefits (searching for oilman / Opie Oils is a good bet for finding it) or contact your club membership secretary. The form below is for requesting that a new club/forum be added to the affiliation scheme.

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* Does your club have a forum:

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If your club has a forum...

* Opie Oils can offer free advice on oils / lubricants to forum members. Would you like us to create a forum thread for oil advice:
* Opie Oils periodically offer promotions & discounts, which can form a valuable additional benefit for your forum members. Would you like us to post these additional offers / discounts on the forum:
* If we have competitions or product announcements, would you like us to post these on the forum: